Sunday, April 06, 2008

SP-B: On Soul Searching and Ability Scores

From AP:
Bush...conferred with Putin's hand-picked successor, Dmitry Medvedev, but did not claim gaining any insight into his soul, as he had with Putin upon their first encounter. He pronounced Putin's protege "a straightforward fellow" and said he was eager to work with him.

Peering insightfully into a person's soul clearly takes more Wisdom points than Mr. Bush's currently rolled ability score. I suspect his initial assessment of Mr. Putin's soul was due to an incredibly lucky d20 roll, which he simply couldn't match this round.

Mr. Bush's Armor Class - much like his personal Charisma points - is off the charts, however. He was clearly able to deflect the following reporter's attack with great Dexterity:

Bush bristled at a journalist's question that suggested the two leaders were merely "kicking the can down the road" on the vexing issue [of missile defense].

"You can cynically say that it is kicking the can down the road. I don't appreciate that, because this is an important part of my belief that it is necessary to protect ourselves," Bush said.

A clear example of a high Intelligence roll.

...Or maybe just the result of a once-in-a-lifetime Saving Throw.

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