Friday, October 06, 2006

Does the Foley scandal prove the existence of a God?

Glenn Greenwald was wondering...and I have to admit, this thought has crossed my mind more than a few times this week.

This scandal is no doubt a fine example of divine retribution. If nothing more, it serves as a reminder of how much the sting of hypocrisy really hurts; and the greater the hypocrisy, the greater the pain:

The perfection of this scandal lies in its substance, not its theatrics. The Foley scandal is not -- as even some Bush opponents have asserted -- an aberrational, isolated, inconsequential melodrama that is unrelated to the substantive and important critiques of the Bush movement and which just coincidentally emerged as a cynical weapon that can be used to defeat the Republicans. The opposite is true. This scandal has resonated so powerfully because it is shining such a powerful light on the towering hubris, utter lack of intellectual and ethical integrity, and deeply engrained corruption that accounts for virtually every other Bush disaster -- from Iraq to law-breaking scandals to torture to Abrahmoff-type corruption schemes and everything in between.


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