Monday, October 02, 2006

Foley Shit

I was avoiding blogging about this Mark Foley thing, because I really don't like it when politicians' personal issues cloud political policy debates. I'm wonky that way.

However, I was compelled to comment for three reasons:

  1. I really wanted to title a blog entry "Foley Shit." (Though I can't even claim credit for this obvious display of brilliance.)
  2. We really do need to know what the Republican leadership knew, and when they knew it. It's unacceptable to have these people in leadership positions if they truly were protecting a house seat over protecting children from sexual predators. And I'm really trying hard not to blow a gasket over the fact that many of these people claim moral superiority for their "family values"...
  3. I am utterly sickened by the pathetic defense(s) the True Believers on the right have foisted on us -- particularly any comparisons to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal (it's all just "inappropriate behavior towards subordinates" etc etc etc). Look: Lying about an affair between two consenting adults is infinitely more preferable to a 52-year old U.S. Congressman making unwelcome advances to 16 year old boys, and then Party leadership covering it up. The two scenarios don't even compare!

But this isn't about my preferences -- or even Mark Foley's, for that matter. This is about a sick man being aided and abetted by a truly sick and corrupt party leadership.

-And that's certainly not good for the health of our country.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well played!

Wed Oct 04, 05:24:00 PM PDT  

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